I learned that it's okay to not have kids. It hit me when my niece was born seven years ago. I love my niece and sister a lot, but just seeing the joys of motherhood from afar was enough for me. My mom is okay with my choice, and luckily, my sister understands and doesn't pressure me about it.
I'm married, and my husband and I both agree that we don't want kids. My in-laws don't pressure us and tell us to live our lives the way we want. They might secretly hope we change our minds by the time I'm 35, but they don't push it. I'm fine with other people's kids as long as they don't disrupt my life. Choosing to be childfree gives us freedom to focus on ourselves, something parents might not have. As I get older, I'm more certain I don't want kids, but I respect others' choices if they do.